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How can I request a withdrawal from a Multispend group?

To request a withdrawal from a Multispend group, tap either "Request a Withdrawal" from the center or "Withdraw" from the bottom of a group's home page.

On the next screen, enter the number of sats you'd like to withdraw and a short description of what the request is for. You'll see the number of approvals required before your withdrawal request can be redeemed. Next, tap "Request."

You will see your request in the "Pending" section of the group's home page along with the current number of approvals and rejections. Once votes have been made on your request, you can tap the arrow at the bottom right of the request to see who has voted and whether they approved or rejected.

If no votes have been made on your request, you can tap the pencil icon on the request at any time before the first approval or rejection is made to edit or delete the request.

Once your request reaches the approval threshold, it will move to the "Approved" tab. If it receives enough rejections to where it is no longer possible to meet the approval threshold, the request will move to the "Rejected" tab.

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