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Does Fedi charge any fees on transactions?

Yes, as of August 6th, 2024, Fedi charges a flat 21 basis point (0.21%) fee on all eCash and Lightning "sends" as well as on deposits to Stable Balance. There are no fees to receive eCash, to receive Lightning payments, or to withdraw funds from Stable Balance.

Note that federations may also elect to charge fees on transactions sent via eCash and/or Lightning, but this is up to the federations themselves and separate from Fedi app fees.

Lightning and on-chain network fees always apply, but on-chain transactions are not subject to additional fees beyond the network fee from either Fedi or the federations themselves.

You will always be able to review the total fee and fee breakdown before making any payments on Fedi, regardless of whether you are sending funds on-chain or via Lightning or eCash.

Lastly, note that Fedi mods, many of which are separate from Fedi and the federations themselves, may charge their own fees for different actions performed within each mod.

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